Sunday, March 9, 2014

Breyers Vanilla Caramel Gelato Indulgences

[New for 2014, Discontinued] Look, if you're already bored of Breyers version of Italian frozen dairy dessert, I get it, and that's fine. Feel free to skip this short review knowing this flavor has all the flaws you've come to expect from Breyers nowadays.

Breyers Gelato Indulgences : Vanilla Caramel
Creamy vanilla gelato with luscious caramel sauce & gourmet caramelly curls

So much wasted potential! The vanilla is fairly tasteless. I don't go "wow, that's nice", it's more like "why does it have the faint tingle of a fake cake flavor?" Man, talk about wanting to stop after one bite.

The caramel is pretty gooey.... and very buttery... like sickeningly buttery. Like I'm gnawing on a stick of butter. When mixed with the "gelato" it has a really weird texture, like I imagine it's similar to how my couch cover might taste.

The cool looking caramel twirls have the texture of... I don't even know, I just want to stop eating them.

One more bite... and that's it, I give up. I'm gonna go have some sun chips.

Verdict?  terrible
Buy Again?  not a chance

at least the nutrition info is pretty (click for larger)

On Second Scoop: My daughter had a little of this yesterday and wasn't a huge fan of all the caramel flavor. I asked her if she wanted any today and she responded "Do we have anything else?"

3 other flavors:  Tiramisu, Triple Chocolate, Raspberry Cheesecake

Note: Thanks to reader Eve, we now know that these Breyer's gelatos seem to bare some relationship to various Carte D'or flavors from across Europe.


  1. Wow, talk about looks being deceiving. The presentation is beautiful.

  2. Your daughter is too cute!

    I had such high hopes for these; they looked so pretty. Bryer's really missed an opportunity here,

  3. Vanilla Caramel is by far my favorite. I think the flavor of the caramel sauce and vanilla gelato is perfect. I wish I had more curls on mine, but in all this flavor, to me, was hard to stop eating.

  4. Positively the WORST, most gross gelato I have ever eaten. The gelato is flavorless with a fake, overly thick caramel. YUCK!!! After one small spoonful I threw the rest of the container in the garbage.

    1. You the first that have a negative comment

  5. This is the worst tasting creme product ever!!!. The taste and texture are un-describable. There is nothing about that's likable, other than the container I can use for food storage. I've had other gelatos for less the price and without a major name that far exceed what Breyers' should bow out of. And the after taste, YUCK!!!

  6. I was introduced to gelato in Seattle recently. When I saw Breyers was offering yummy gelato flavors, I couldn't wait to indulge. Finding a $1 off coupon sent me running to the frozen food isle!

    One taste and I was consumed by indescribable disappointment. The caramel curls tasted like sawdust, and sadly they were the best part of this frozen confection. I kept hoping I would discover some semblance of either vanilla and caramel flavor. Alas, that was not to be. I hurried into the kitchen and devoured a mouthful of chocolate chips.

    I never pitch food, but the 6 servings that are left are going down the disposal.

  7. This is not gelato, texture is wrong, it's like frozen whipped butter with super sweet almost caramel taste. No vanilla taste, just some super creamy, super sweet concoction that's enough to make one sick.

  8. Do you like ANYTHING? I loved this product!

  9. I love many things.... but these new Breyers gelatos are a farce. I'm glad some people are enjoying them, but when these disappear in a few years, don't say I didn't warn you.

  10. Eating the "product" now. Calling it Gelato is like calling an old Ford Pinto a Maserati. Your review is spot on.

  11. Yeah the reviewer is correct. This garbage tastes like a stick of butter mixed with a really thick frozen cool whip. Groooosss. And im easy to please 99% of the time. But this crap gets a fail from me. The tiramisu isnt too bad but still....

  12. Frederika ZylstraJune 3, 2014 at 4:39 PM

    I love vanilla. I adore caramel. When I saw this beautifully presented concoction, my heart nearly stopped! But, like others, it was a disappointment. Envision a caramel sundae made by a 10 year old. Now picture it on steroids. The gelato is so sweet you can't taste the flavor. Way too much caramel (and did I mention I love caramel?). Even looking at it gives me a sugar high.

  13. I been searching all over the stores for this ice cream I was so happy I found & bought it . It was absolutely DISGUSTING ! It was just awful I will be throwing this away too. waste of time & money

  14. Looks are definitely deceiving. I happen to be a huge fan of gelato, especially Sea Salt Caramel by Talenti. I don't know what I was expecting, but this is a flavor they should discontinue. Your review could not be more accurate. The vanilla is flavorless, like licking cardboard, and the caramel is like eating butter.

  15. Omg, I was so excited to try this and it was horrible. I keep thinking Breyers can't be that stupid!

  16. Absolutely awful. I wouldn't eat this again if it was given to me free.

  17. I recently discovered Talenti Gelato, and fell in love.

    Then I got a coupon for this, and thought "How bad can it be?"

    It's not horrendous, but.... it's not good.

    I'm not getting suckered in again. Talenti all the way for me.

  18. I have found that Bryers ice cream is very TASTELESS. I just had mint chip ice cream and it had no mint taste at all and the chocolate tasted very low grade. AVOID BRYERS!


    Everything about this gelato is wrong. Odd texture, strange tasting caramel curls, no taste at all to the vanilla "fluff", and it leaves an after taste that I'm still trying to get out of my mouth.

    Complete waste of money and calories. They must have paid the actors in the commercial a lot of money to act like they were enjoying it!

  20. At first it was great, but the after taste is horrible. I had to chew gum to get the taste out of my mouth. Don't buy it.

  21. Really what these people must have went to Italy to eat gelato that Sucre shit they call gelato is HORRIBLE

  22. I honestly can't believe what a disappointment this gelato was for me.I wish I had read these reviews before I wasted my money on this product. It looks absolutely delicious in the package but it tastes horrible. I shared it with two of my friends and they said the same thing. It really tastes weird. Never again will I be eating that crap.

  23. I thought this product was disgusting. Very disappointed in it. It doesn't even taste like gelato.

  24. I just bought some of this a few days ago. Day before yesterday I ate some, soon after felt sick to my stomach. I just thought it was something else. Today, I did have some more and now, I am feeling nauseated again. I will be throwing the rest of it out!

  25. Tastes like black pepper - ugh.

  26. Anonymous must work for Dryers or something. She has bought and eaten so many Bryers I stopped counting.

  27. tastes awful, I managed to eat about half a cup, then 1 hour later I had diarrhea , gross I know.

  28. I have purchased several Vanilla Caramel and introduced it to family. The last several time I have purchased it, it appears the quality is slipping. There was never enough Carmel shaving chips/specks, but after noticing this every time the last 4 purchases
    I don’t thing I will purchase again.At the high price, I still loved this product. But, now not worth the money.
    Carmel with the creamy Vanilla formula has changed somehow. and not for the better… Carmel curls amounts should return to original amount at lease if not more. And if the formula has changed, go back to the beginning. Don’t think I will purchased until I hear of the changes. I used to be able to scoop up 5 or 6 Carmel pieces that crunch in your mount. Tonight I had a half a spoon full.

    Thank you Lia Bird

    Expresso, I like , but too sweet, needs pieces shaves of expresso.

  29. I tried your vanilla/caramel for the first time today...DELICIOUS!! It makes all the rest taste like "all the rest"!

  30. This gelato is laughable compared to Talenti. Just the entire consistency and the flavoring is disgusting in the Breyer's gelato. I once bought the chocolate flavor and we returned it because it tasted like chemicals! Honestly, go for Talenti rather than this junk. It tastes like there is powder flavoring in the vanilla breyers.

  31. This is wonderful!! Unfortunately I can't find it any more. Talenti has crusty chunks of ?????? in it and tastes AWFUL! Would pay double any time for Breyers.


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