Sunday, April 7, 2024

Sonic Oreo Big Scoop Cheesecake Blast & Sundae

[New for 2024] Wait, has it really been six years since my last Sonic review? (Ha, that review was about an Oreo product too!) Maybe we stopped by but there was nothing worth blogging about? I do check the menu on occasion but nothing ever really grabs my attention. Anyway, we had a little free time so we headed down to Sonic and tried....

Sonic Oreo Big Scoop Cheesecake Blast & Sundae

I went with the sundae which is vanilla soft serve layered with Oreo cookie pieces and topped with a "big scoop" of Oreo cheesecake ($3.99, one size fits all).

My wife went with the Blast which is cheesecake soft serve mixed with Oreo cookie pieces and topped with a "big scoop" of Oreo cheesecake ($6.99 for a "medium").

Did you pick up on the difference there? Different soft serves! I wonder if that's why she enjoyed her treat more than I did.  Mine just felt like a boring sundae with a weird, non-large glob of a supposed cheesecake substance on top. The added cheesecake flavoring in the blast must help round things out. I can't help but ask "why wouldn't they use the cheesecake softserve in both treats?"

This is why I put "big scoop" in quotes, because it ain't big!

So despite having a plentiful amount of large Oreo chunks, I got little amusement from my sundae and it's very bland vanilla base. My wife says she'd be happy to try the blast again though, so maybe we will head back at some point before it disappears at the very beginning of June.

Verdict?  blast > sundae
Buy Again?  maybe the blast


  1. "Did you pick up on the difference there? Different soft serves! "

    I do not believe that is correct; although, the Sonic marketing material graphic at the top isn't helping to aid in the understanding.

    To my knowledge, Sonic ONLY has Vanilla flavored soft serve.

    What IS different between the Blast and the Sundae is that the Blast includes Cheesecake syrup.

    All Sonic faux non-Vanilla ice cream offerings use this Vanilla soft serve + Syrup and/or add-ins to achieve different "flavors".

  2. I had the blast this past weekend. Zero cheesecake flavor. Either the location in Yorktown , VA, had. no cheesecake syrup or they did not know what the correct components were. They were also skimpy on the big scoop. It was a big "miss" for me.


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