Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Free stuff and the State of the Freezer Address
5th Anniversary Edition

Do you know how many times I've written this post in my head? At least a half dozen if not more. So many different things I want to say after five years. Do I tell stories or visions? Do I look back or look ahead? I don't know. I think one blog year equals at least 10 real years, so that makes me over 50 in internet years right? I mean, I already had my mid-blog-life crisis, so it's all vacations and grandkids from here right? Hmmm, at least I haven't lost my ability to babble.

Starting over: WELCOME! Welcome welcome welcome to the blog's fifth birthday, or blogiversary if you must. I can't believe we're still here. I can't believe my freezers are still full. Let's take a quick peak at them.

Upstairs is a mess, plain and simple. The usual breakfast food, frozen veggies, and stuff you've already read about (or will soon enough). This is where ice cream goes to be inhaled by my family.... or to be left and forgotten (a few of them are a little old... shhhhh, don't tell anyone).

The basement freezer is a mess for a different reason. With a crazy rash of spring shipments coming in and mixing with my own rush to buy the latest and greatest treats, I created this staggered mess separated only by plastic bags. This was not my best idea, though I meant well as I tried to keep all nut based products away from everything else. The funny thing is that this looked alot worse just a few weeks ago. I mean it was practically filled to the top. Thankfully we are finally approaching the end of all this frozen goodness. Big, big thanks to Velvet, Blue Bunny, Weight Watchers, Hood, and New Orleans ice cream companies for hooking me up this spring. Your donations were greatly appreciated.

Will I keep blogging? Ofcourse!
Will Nick continue to contribute quality opinions? Ofcourse!
Will I ever get to go on the great american ice cream road trip? Ehhh, not yet.

Now granted, I have been trying to change my tone a little bit recently. I try to give you all the facts and then mix in my opinions and I've been trying harder to differentiate which is which. I don't have to love a product to know it's good, nor do I have to hate a product that is cheap. I know there is a large group of web surfers who come to the site wanting to see me rave about how good their favorite flavor is. The problem is, that's not what we do here. Is ours a perfect system? No. I can't anticipate how you'd feel because we're all different. We have different tastes, preferences, and dietary needs. You might like minty lowfat products, your bud might like premium coffee flavored pints, another is lactose sensitive, the world is full of lots of different people with different needs. Some of us burn 1500 calories a day, some burn 3000, but deep down we all love this stuff. I hope this blog will continue to bring you a balance of budget, mainstream, and high end products from across this great nation of ours. You don't have to take our word on something, but I want every post to encourage you to expand your appreciation for the cold stuff. Never forget that your opinion matters too so never be afraid to chime in with a comment.

Well that's it..... Wait, have I mentioned we've got free stuff?

The best-est ice cream giveaway ever
(well, that we've ever had anyway)

I went out on a limb and asked a few companies if they would help out with the blog's anniversary. After 5 years, almost 800 reviews, and hundreds of thousands of visitors, this is truly a moment to cherish. Our big prize is going to be $100 gift certificate to Nick's a big fan of their huge selection and now you can be too. "But Dubba, that's just one prize and there are so many of us!" Well, that's why we've got prizes for the runners up too. I've got a 5 pack of free coupons from Blue Bunny as well as a 5 pack of free coupons from Talenti Gelato. How's them (frozen) apples? Big thanks to all of these companies for helping out with this!

Contest Rules:

Now we're not going to draw the grand prize until the end of the month, so make sure you check back to see if you've won. Multiple entries are accepted with each of the following methods counting as an entry.

1) Through the blog: Leave a comment below. Mention a favorite flavor, a favorite review, what new product you hope to find soon, anything. Make sure I can verify your identity if you win.

2) Through twitter: Follow @OnSecondScoop on Twitter and then tweet this "I want to win $100 of ice cream from @OnSecondScoop and". Each tweet on a new day counts as another entry.

3) Through facebook: Like us on facebook and then do one of two things. First, you can like this post for an entry to win. Second, you can also share the post for another chance to win. Everyone of your friends that likes the shared post counts as yet another chance for you to win the grand prize.

Ok, I'm sure I'm forgot something (like proper grammar), so be warned this post might update. I do try to reply to everyone's comment, but that's not really going to work for this contest :)

Oh, I can't leave without saying thanks one more time. Thanks for reading, thanks for sticking with me, and thank you for keeping your freezer stocked. Keep those spoons scooping!

6/1/2013 Update: And the big winner is....Juli! I wish I had prizes for all of you.... but then I would be broke. Big thanks again to, blue bunny, and talenti for the prizes!


  1. My favorite review was the Aggie ice cream reviews. But I'm bias :)

  2. I am so looking forward to the June special edition Turkey Hill flavor PA Dutch Pretzel. It looks awesome and I can't wait! Congrats and happy 5th Anniversary of your blog!

  3. oh i'm very excited. i saw a review somewhere else of the talenti mango flavor. i really want to try it especially since i just finished my pint of german chocolate which was yummy. i was wondering though if there's a way we need to keep track of our entries. ie- some blogs have you post a new comment for each entry. it seems like rafflecopter might make it easier on you guys for counting entries too. just a suggestion. :)

  4. hey today's my 25th birthday! my favorite that I just found is kemps frozen yogurt cookies and cream!

  5. My favorite ice cream is Edy's Smores and I am excited because they are re-releasing Take the Cake!

  6. I've been following for years and have had to triple the amount of exercise I get thanks to your reviews sending back to the ice cream aisle over and over!

    I hope to find 2nd Street flavors at my local Wal-Mart soon and my all-time favorite, just from childhood memories, is cookies and cream in the giant plastic bucket. Great job and thanks a lot!

  7. Always and will forever love the blog. Love the fact that you keep coming back for more and I look forward to another five years!

    As for favorite flavors, I'd have to give a shout to Turkey Hill's Whoopie Pie as my personal sinful delight. Well, either that or Haagen-Dazs White Chocolate Raspberry that I had recently. Sinful.

  8. My favorite flavor would have to be cold stone's sweet cream :D

  9. You and Nick should post a top 10 ice creams you think everyone should try for the occasion. Doesn't have to be in order as that is really nitpicking, but would be interested to see the 10. Otherwise congrats on the 5 years, and here is to at least 5 more.

  10. Thank you for writing and continuing to write this blog! I love Talenti Caramel Cookie Crunch and Blue Bunny Triple Chocolate Cake.

  11. I loved your review on the skinny cow mmmmocha truffles!

  12. I love your post on mmmocha truffles skinny cow ice cream bars

  13. I'm hoping to try the Talenti German Chocolate Cake soon!

  14. Americone Dream and Milk & Cookies (both Ben & Jerry's of course) are my favorite ice cream flavors, I dream of them often. By the way, it should be noted that you are the greatest person ever for hosting an ice cream giveaway. You go, Glen Coco.

  15. I love Talenti Gelato's Salted Caramel!

  16. I'm hoping to find Bluebell's dessert trio again soon! It's my favorite Bluebell flavor, which is saying a lot, but it's usually hard to find around here!

  17. I love any ice cream involving peanut butter, but I'm also dying to try Talenti, having been reading about it for so long. I do love So Delicious... ohh, it's all good!

  18. I am a fan of Tropical Dreams ice cream in Hawaii. They sell to the other Hawaiian islands but not to the mainland. Such a bummer!

  19. My current favorites are the Ben and Jerry's frozen yogurts, sorry! LOL. I love the Blueberry Graham and the new Vanilla Honey Caramel.

  20. I always enjoy reading your reviews and they have certainly steered me well in the past. This is an awesome give-away! For my entry, I'd have to say that HD Pralines and Cream is my current top flavor.

  21. I love anything that involved cheesecake or white chocolate flavoured. Also, I enjoy posts that involve talking about your cute little children. :)

    A happy family who shares a love of frozen treats together sounds sweet no matter what. (No pun intended)

  22. Turkey hill pumpkin pie... Still my fav! I love your blog!!!

  23. I'm very excited about Ben & Jerry's Candy Bar Pie coming to stores in the fall.

  24. My favorite review (and flavor as well!) was the White Chocolate Bread Pudding flavor from New Orleans Ice Cream Co. I really want to try there cafe and beignet flavor but none of my local stores carry this flavor :(

  25. My favorite review was of the Magnum Gold Ice Cream Bars. Yep, I totally went out and bought one solely because of the review. YUM.

  26. My favorite flavor is plain old chocolate chip cookie dough. :)

  27. Love reading ice cream reviews. They never get old and new flavors are constantly coming out. B&J Cinnamon Buns is my favorite flavor but still have What A Cluster, Peanut Butter World, and Chubby Hubby in the freezer to try!

  28. I'm really enjoying Ben and Jerry's Liz Lemon frozen yogurt right now, but I think that Coldstone's mint mint chocolate chocolate chip is my overall favorite.

  29. Happy Anniversary! I think I've been part of this blog for nearly the whole time :D My favorite review this year was Nick's Burger King Gingerbread shake where the sugar caused him and the shake to be splayed across the pavement like roadkill...definatly ingenious and gave me a good laugh!

  30. I always look here for Ben and Jerry's reviews. I love B&J because I'm more of a mix-in girl who can appreciate a good base than a girl who likes only a few chocolate chips in her ice cream. You let me know about limited batches to keep my eye out for!

  31. Great Blog! Congrats on 5 years. My favorite is the DQ classic Oreo Blizzard.

  32. Just rediscovered Ben&Jerry's Chocolate Fudge Brownie - can't stop eating it...

  33. Dubba! Congratulations on your five years of blogging on the internets. I have been reading your blog for a little over a year ago. I came across it when I was researching DQ's April 2011 BoTM, birthday (or was it confetti?) cake. I really wanted to try this one and wanted to see if the 600+ calories and fat justified cheating on my diet. Thanks to you I was saved from a truly bland treat and weeks of guilt. hahaha

    Oh yeah, and I found a funny blog written by two guys who love and appreciate frozen treats as much as I do. Here's to 500 more internet years!!

  34. Ooh, I'm really hoping for some more non-dairy items from mainstream brands. Give me some real fruit sorbet, some fruit bars, maybe even a new dairy-alternative frozen treat? Almond milk or coconut milk would make an awesome base for a new line of frozen desserts!

  35. Congratulations! I've been reading for over a year and I love your reviews - And your passion! I can't believe there are so many frozen desserts out there. 5 year's worth down, how many years to go? A lifetime? I love the store bought reviews best, over the DQ and whatnot. Keep up the great work. Your guides help me know what to stock up on at home :)

  36. Congrats on 5 years. I thought you were going to end the blog a while back. My favorite ice cream flavor is Talenti Sea Salt Caramel! or Ben and Jerry's What a Cluster. Depending on if I want caramel or peanut butter ice cream.

  37. The flavor I most want to try is Blue Bell Krazy Kookie Dough...not available around here but I'm moving soon to an area where they sell! Sooo excited!

  38. Love all of the reviews of Ben & Jerrys flavors!
    My husband and I have our own rating system for flavors and are working our way through all of them...found this blog when searching for more information about Peanut Butter World!!!

  39. I always like the Babcock Hall reviews, but I'm a little partial to UW-Madison :)

  40. I am DYING to get my hands on the new Ben and Jerry's Walgreens exclusive, Truffle Trifecta. And while I've read and loved all of your reviews, my new favorite was the DQ PB Brownie blizzard review, simply because I hate obliterated mixins and fully relate to:
    "It's funny because when you hear them make it, your brain starts going 'ummm, that blender has been on for awhile.'"

  41. I'm normally a fan of anything mint chocolate but right now I am so digging Turkey Hill Light Moose Tracks!

  42. I love Ciao Bella Pistachio gelato. I hope sometime you can get around to reviewing it - it might change your mind on pistachios!

  43. I'm really excited to try some of the talenti products you have reviewed!

  44. Count me in for the contest. And congratulations on five years. I know how tough that is having celebrated my own five year blog anniversary in the fall, though my posts more infrequent and my focus is a tad different.

    Anyway, I was pleased to read your review and see that we shared enthusiasm for Ben & Jerry's Chocolate peppermint Crunch. The definite winner among new B&J's and Haagen-Dazs.

  45. I cannot get enough of the Blue Bunny White Chocolate Macadamia Nut Cookie ice cream. I don't know what it is, but I just cannot stop buying it. There's tons of stuff on my wishlist, but I walk by that rounded carton and somehow it calls out to me and I know any other choice I make will be wrong.

  46. My favorite flavors would have to be Talenti Sea Salt Caramel and Ben & Jerry's Peanut Butter World. Thanks for all of the great reviews!

  47. Congrats on the 5 years! Also, my favorite flavor is Ben & Jerry's Volun-tiramisu.

  48. I don't discriminate against any flavor of ice cream, I like them all.

  49. I love your blog! My favorite flavor is coldstone's cheesecake ice cream with pie crust and chocolate chips! Also love Perry's Cannoli, and pretty much anything cheesecake or pie related. I'm dying to try New Orleans creole cream cheese flavor, so I'm hoping to win :-)

  50. I'm a Ben and Jerry's fanatic, but more than willing to try absolutely any kind of ice cream. Jeni's, Homemade (UDF), Graeter's....I could go on and on. My friends call me obsessed...what can I say. Your blog rocks. Thanks for keeping it going!

  51. I'm trying to get my hands on the B&J's Walgreen's exclusive flavor "Truffle Trifecta." I keep calling the one Walgreen's around me that has a label for it in their freezer section, but they've yet to stock it.

  52. My favorite store-bought gelato is Talenti's Meditterean Mint. So good!!

  53. I would love to win some ice cream!

  54. Please let me win!! I love Ben & Jerry's Fluffernutter, and I look forward to reading your blog for years to come!! :D

  55. Free ice cream over here please.
    Fave flavor of all time: B&J New York Super Fudge Chunk. Would love to see a review of it.
    Keep up the great work Dubba & Nick!

  56. I would love to Turkey Hill flavor PA Dutch Pretzel. Since its a limited edition flavor and i enjoy becing located in PA so i dont want to miss it!!!

  57. The best pre-packaged ice cream in San Diego is a store brand-- the Private Selections stuff at Ralph's (Kroger) is SUPER GOOD. Salted Caramel Truffle is my favorite :)

  58. Favorite flavor: BnJ cinnamon buns

  59. I just had the Haagen Dazs Vanilla Bean Gelato because of your positive review and it was SOOO good!! I would look forward to a review of their Limencello or Stracciatella flavors :)

  60. Congrats on your five years, I've been there for about, 10 days of it. So far, so good. Favorite review so far is of that Walgreen's DeLish brand Moose Track sandwiches, still feverishly trying to find them. The grand prize sounds great, but I'll gladly settle for five pints of Talenti, easily my favorite line on the market today. Wish they made Egg Nog year-round, but I'll manage with their other choices.

  61. Woohoo! Thanks for the contest :) my favorite flavor by far is Talenti's Sea Salt Caramel, or The Vanilla Bean flavor.

  62. thanks for the giveaway!!! love on second scoop!

  63. I like that you guys do reviews of Baskin Robbins and DQ flavors. I would love to see reviews of flavors from FroYo shops or ice cream places like Maggie Moos if you're near one.

  64. My favorite ice cream flavor is Rocky Road. My least favorite is anything with fruit in it. I do not mind fruit flavor, but I do not like frozen strawberries or apples in my ice cream.

  65. I enjoy all your reviews on the treats we are missing out on here in the PNW like Graeters and Turkey Hill.

  66. I really enjoy the DQ reviews. I actually found this site when I was googling a review of some really random Blizzard (Oreo-cookie jar). This website was the only place with a review, and being an ice cream carnivore,I kept coming back. Congrats on 5th anniversary!

  67. Found your blog through the Nosh Show and love ice cream, so its a natural fit to my blog reading. I am frantically looking for the Ciao Bella Ice Cream Sandwiches (Key Lime in particular) and can't find them in my area. Congrats on 5 years.

  68. I wouldn't call this my 'favorite' review but the DD Oreo Coolatta review is quite memorable since the product was so horrible. On a more positive note,I've tried several items based on your reviews and have yet to be disappointed!

  69. Your description of the Cold Stone Creamery Midnight Delight makes me want one right now. :)

  70. I love pumpkin ice cream...can't wait until the autumn season!

  71. I recently tried the Häagen-Dazs Peanut Butter Pie ice cream, and while it was pretty expensive, I can almost say it was worth the price. If price wasn't a factor I would definitely be picking this up all the time.

  72. Blue Bell Pumpkin Spice with Pralines is love at first bite

  73. I really want to see the skinny cow cherry cones. I love fruit flavors more than chocolate so I'm always thrilled when there's something new!

  74. If I win I am spending all $100 on B&J OCC.

  75. Happy anniversary!!! My favorite i e creams right now (they change!!) are haagen daz dulce de leche and So Delicious turtle trails!

  76. daily tweet

  77. Hi. Long time reader, first time poster here. The Talenti reviews always make me want gelato immediately. My favorite flavor has been the stracciatella, but your review for the caramel cookie crunch just sounds soooo good. I would make good use of the Talenti coupons.

  78. I love all your breyer's blasts reviews! Breyer's is my personal favorite so I love hearing your point of view!

  79. My newest love is an oldie I'd never tried- B&J's Half Baked. Why did I wait so long? Thanks for the awesome chance!

  80. My favorite ice-cream of all time is Ben and Jerry's Cinnamon Buns! My childhood days were spent downing a whole can of Pillsbury Cinnamon Rolls and I guess I never really grew out of that sweet icing melting down a dough treat!

  81. i'm craving some cookie dough ice cream mixed with cookies and cream right now.... ahh! :)

  82. My favorite ice cream has to be Blue Bunny's Cookies n Cream. I know every major ice cream brand has that flavor but Blue Bunny's version is the best! I never try a new ice cream flavor without consulting this blog, so thanks for sacrificing your waistline!

  83. Hopefully gelato counts.. I like Talenti caramel cookie crunch gelato. Congrats on 5 years!

  84. More Ben & Jerrys!

  85. My favorite review and flavor was New Orleans Ice Cream Co.'s white chocolate bread pudding flavor!

  86. Looking to find the Ben and Jerry's flavors exclusive to 7-11 and Walgreens! Love the blog!!

  87. I know it's unexciting, but my favorite flavor is Häagen-Dazs chocolate.

  88. I just read your review for Edy's new salted caramel pretzel ice cream and I can't wait to try it!

  89. My favorite ice cream flavor is a tie between B&J's Mint Chocolate Cookie and Milk & Cookies; I just can't get enough of those giant chocolate cookies.

  90. My favorite ice creams are all from Blue Bell: Christmas Cookies, Gingerbread House, and Dessert Trio. If I'm lucky enough to win the gift card, I'm stocking up on New Orleans Ice Cream Company ice cream.

  91. I love reading the Ben & Jerry's review especially the new greek frozen yogurt ones! My favorite flavor is the Mint Chocolate Cookie!

  92. I'm excited to try edys take the cake!,

  93. Being from Oklahoma, I guess I have to say I want some Braums (not brains dumb phone).

    But from what I remember seeing, that macadamia nut from the apprentice sounds like it could be interesting, sad it didn't get reviewed.

  94. I like to read about ice cream; healthier than eating it!

    (A couple of summers ago, though, Coldstone had this iced tea ice cream and I really, really need to get more of that.)

  95. I love anything Ben and Jerrys!

  96. Edy's Coconut Caramel Cookie is pretty good! Looking forward to trying more LE flavors from Edy's

  97. Happy 5 Years! Fav flavor is Ben & Jerry's Pumpkin Cheesecake!

  98. favorite flavor ice cream is ben & jerry's oatmeal cookie

  99. Believe it or not, it's easier for me to pick a favorite flavor than it is to pick a favorite review because all of your reviews are so good! OK so favorite flavor for me is moose tracks....digging up those chunky fudge twirls and pb cups is soooo much fun

  100. I really enjoy the DQ reviews. I actually found this site when I was googling a review of some really random Blizzard (Oreo-cookie jar). This website was the only place with a review, and being an ice cream carnivore,I kept coming back. Congrats on 5th anniversary!

  101. My favorite flavor of ice cream is cake batter or birthday cake! Yummy :D My favorite of all time is probably... chunky monkey by ben & jerrys or cake batter ice cream from cold stone. Too bad they usually both cost an arm & a leg!
