Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Blue Bunny Soft Vanilla

2024 Note: They now have a pint size version that includes a swirl, and I find it a more enjoyable product that the plain vanilla I tried in this review. See the new review here.

[New for Early 2023] Have you ever tried those Klondike shake pouches? If you have, then you already know what today's review tastes like.

Blue Bunny Soft Vanilla
vanilla with other natural flavors soft frozen dairy dessert

Pretty typical Blue Bunny opening shot.

And then the food science kicks in...

It only took one bite to know that this would be a product that I would never buy again. I'm sure some food science gurus are pretty proud of themselves... but they shouldn't be.

AHAHAHAAHA. Ok, that was just mean on my part. I apologize to the gurus. They were tasked with a mission and they accomplished it... unless this was all an accident. I mean, maybe they were trying to see just how light they could make frozen dairy dessert and this creation was an accident. Who knows, and honestly, I don't really care.

Wow, I'm angry today apparently. Maybe I'm just mad that I'll never be able to make a difference in the freezer aisle unless I win a very large lottery, and even then, who knows if I could make a difference at this point.

Wait, I'm supposed to talk about the product right? Ok, well, I don't like it. It's not spit out terrible, but it's weird. It's light, it's processed, it's chemically. Occasionally you get a bite and think "maybe this ain't too bad", but then you keep scooping, and revoke your statement.

I assume that these also taste like the Blue Bunny Twist Cones I never tried.... and having tried this product, I no longer need to try those cones.... though if I had a sugar cone handy, I would try making my own... I have some pizelles, maybe I should mix this with those.

Ok, i'll stop being angry now. This isn't the world's worst product, and every product will find an audience, but this is so far removed from ice cream that I feel bad putting it on the blog.... AHAHAHA, there I go being mean again.

(Dear Blue Bunny, I apologize for being mean. We used to be tight. I miss those days.)

On Second Scoop: Nope.... just nope. I'm all done with this. Weird marshmallow like texture plus weird taste, this is a permanent nope for me.

Verdict?  stay away (if you want)
Buy Again?  nope

click for nutrition facts


  1. But did you try it with the pizelles?/s Yeah, I've never seen packaged soft serve go well. It's just not meant to be readily available like that. Maybe someone will get it right someday.

  2. I stopped buying Blue Bunny many years ago when they stopped making real ice cream. They seem to be getting worse and worse especially putting out garbage like this. Most people don't even realize that none of their products are actual ice cream and hasn't been for years.

    1. I know, it sucks if you want REAL ice cream, it alwats states it on the carton. If it dosn't it's NOT.
      It's full of air! Ugggggggggggg

  3. @PA: Ha, I wound up trying to making a milkshake with it instead.... it was weird :)

    @Anon: I definitely miss older Blue Bunny :(

  4. The concept is baffling to me. And being BB I figured it might turn out this way. Thanks for your bravery in trying out this strange experiment.

  5. I haven't purchased Blue Bunny since the switch to FDD and I don't anticipate that changing any time soon. There are simply too many companies making high quality products for me to waste my money.

  6. To each his own, I suppose. Personally, I LOVE soft serve dairy and this is no exception. I like the soft "marshmallowy" texture and the fairly low cholesterol count is a plus as well.

  7. Pretty sure we can have different opinions... yup, I checked, we can.

  8. Why do they need to put carrageenan and high fructose corn syrup in it? That stuff is not exactly considered acceptable these days. Yeah, I get that it is basically frozen junk food but still. I don't need it to be absolute junk.

  9. This is the BEST ice cream there is. It reminds me of either dairy queen or McDonald's ice cream with how good it is. I think you just have covid and can't taste right

    1. That would be you sir or mam who can’t taste right, the vanilla doesn’t even taste like ice cream lol although the cookies and cream was okay. Just okay though, nothing spectacular. I was expecting some REAL soft serve. The ingredients list proves even more nothing about this ice cream is pure and real. Blue Bell isn’t completely 100% natural but it tastes SO much better and has less ingredients! And DEFINITELY much more natural than this mess.

  10. Yes, it must be that you are totally right and I am totally wrong. Good argument. Enjoy your chemicals and food science.

  11. You are SO right! "Chemically" is what it tasted like. I just tried the Cookies N Cream and it tasted like crap compared to their normal version. So disappointed. Long time BB fan and agree with your review 100%

  12. It’s like ice cream and peeps had a baby and made delicious ice cream fluff!!! If you don’t like peeps this baby bi-product is not for you, but if you do I highly recommend the cookies and cream!!!

  13. I tried the cherry chocolate chunk flavor and it tasted more like marshmallow fluff than ice cream. I hated it!

  14. Wife came home with a tub of this. Awful. A mix between frozen off-brand Cool Whip and a science project. Terrible. It's definitely not soft serve ice cream.

  15. Its so monumentally terrible. I have very low standards and I absolutely love softserve. Even bad softserve like Sonic. This however is reprehensible. I'm so angry right now!!!

    I cant remember the brand for the life of me, but a few years ago there was a "rootbeer float" swirl of like rootbeer italian ice and vanilla that tasted exactly like soft serve. That was magic, this is a violent assault.

  16. Not good at all. I will not buy this again. The Vanilla tastes it’s freezer burned and is absolute garbage.

  17. I don't like this ice cream at all. I wasted $6.99 on this and I will not buy it again. It went in the trash. It taste more like marshmallow cream and it is way too sweet and has a weird taste. I cannot eat this, two bites and I want to vomit. I even made it into a milkshake, diluted with milk, I still can't tolerate it. Sorry Blue Bunny but, you messed up with this one.

    1. I agree. I also wasted $6.79 on this product. My son begged me for it so I caved. We both agreed that it tasted like chemicals with absolutely no cookies and cream flavor. The texture was just odd. I did email blue bunny and complained and they sent me a coupon for a free product. My advice is that if you try it and it's horrible, tell the company. So they can keep tabs on how many peope disliked it. I don't think this particular product will succeed.

  18. Best ice cream I have ever tasted. This stuff rocks. Were u people get marshmallow taste from I don't know

  19. My husband and I both love it! It is really great for ice cream cones made at home.
    We will definitely keep buying it. Thanks, Blue Bunny!

  20. someone commented about this stuff not agreeing with their system, but I'll spare you the details

  21. This is sinfully delicious when paired with a scoop of deep chocolate such as Publix Chocolate Trinity or Publix Chocolate Fudge Brownie. But then I am a big marshmallow fan. I did not notice any kind of odd chemical taste.

  22. Not letting mine go to waste, but I agree. In my opinion, it tastes like they added Whipped Cream somehow.

  23. I absolutely loved it. It is very close in my opinion to actual soft serve at a restaurant. It is great for sundaes as well. I will continue to purchase this product. Absolutely love it.

  24. The best ice cream ever. I know it's technically not ice cream, but who cares? This stuff rules over "real" ice cream. Great job Blue Bunny !!

  25. Im not sure what qualifies an “ice cream expert” with said title but I have 45 years experience eating lots and lots of ice cream and I really like this BB soft serve.

    I also don’t fill my pantry and fridge based on the ingredients label of the products

  26. I’m not an “ingredient label” troll and am not a 300 lb couch fixture but with almost 50 years experience eating all sorts of ice cream so my opinion must count for something and I really dig this BB soft serve
    I’m not concerned with what’s in it as I have no food allergies and short of growing my oh food I realize I can’t eliminate all food processing from my diet- and I don’t loose sleep over it.
    If it tastes good it’s welcome in my freezer and this gem has reserved parking.
    Those of you claiming to be traditionalist “real ice cream” only eaters can have your rock salt concrete mixer old fashioned watered down recipe and the rest of us will eat what tastes good.,

  27. your first take was less aggressive. you dont have to take it personally if someone doesn't love the thing you love.

  28. I JUST came home with BB Cookies and Cream soft serve, and I’m so disappointed! It’s almost like I have Cov*d again and can’t taste anything. There is ZERO flavor.

  29. I tried the cookies and cream and it was horrible. It tasted like straight up chemicals so that texture part didn't matter to me. However, it was more of a light, airy texture, not a soft serve type vibe. I'd say this product will be discontinued in the near future. Final note, I'm so sick and tired of every label I read having high fructose corn syrup in it. That stuff needs to be banned.

  30. We love the chocolate soft serve.

  31. Just picked up a tub of closeout frosted sugar cookie flavor left over from last Christmas. It has a fluffy texture, kind of like marshmallow cream. I put a teaspoon of real vanilla and a teaspoon of hot bittersweet chocolate syrup on a small bowl of it, which hid the taste of the product pretty well. Not exactly like soft freeze - more like cold pudding. It was worth the $2.99 I paid for it, but I would not pay $7.00.

  32. Just to second this review. I got one container of soft cookie and cream, and two containers of some other flavors. They're all bad. To be fair, they were 2 for 7, but I don't think they're beyond their best by date. I don't ever get blue bunny, but it was cheap. It's hard to get ice cream wrong. But here we are, marching ever forward to that goal, seemingly. People, we can't have nice things if you keep spending money on not-nice things. It doesn't just hurt you. It hurts all of us. Yeah, that's a bit melodramatic, but it's still true.

  33. Well... there is one very good thing about it. Because it is so soft, I was easily able to scoop it out of the container with my arthritis, which is why I decided to try it. But it isn't that good. Nothing like actual soft serve.


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