Saturday, December 11, 2021

Milk Bar Cornflake Chocolate Chip Marshmallow

[New for 2021] So the other Milk Bar (14oz faux) pint I grabbed was this cornflake flavor. I think I should like it, but let's dive in and see.

Milk Bar Cornflake Chocolate Chip Marshmallow Ice Cream
cookie dough flavored ice cream with cornflake crunch,
chocolate flavored chunks, and melted marshmallow

The coloring has me intrigued.

That looks good right?

I dive in with certain expectations and the first thought on my mind is "I liked the other flavor better".  It's the second flavor that I'm trying from them, so that comparison was inevitable.

I'm just not sure how I feel about it, and honestly, it's a little hard to describe. However, after several scoops, I started thinking that it kind of reminds me of a S'mores flavor actually. Not exactly, but it's not super far off. I definitely wasn't expecting that.

I continue on for a bit to see if my thoughts change, but they really don't. The other pint definitely had more of a sweetness that kept driving me to scoop more. This one doesn't play out like that.

On Second Scoop: So my favorite feature of this is the cornflake crunch. Mine had a big hunk of it in the middle of the pint. Sure, scooping it is hard (I wanted to break it up to spread out the flavor), but it's fun and different. My least favorite part is the marshmallow swirl. Too often marshmallow swirls just have this weirdness about them they you don't get from regular marshmallow fluff. It's not like a super fake marshmallow weirdness, but there is still something that is preventing me from clicking with this one.

foot note: I don't think I ever got a cookie dough vibe from the base... though maybe a non-vanilla base ice cream explains why I kept thinking about s'mores.

Verdict?  different but don't love it
Buy Again?  not sure

click for nutrition facts

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