Thursday, April 22, 2010

Earth Day at the 'Scoop

Reduce - Reuse - Recycle --- Rethink!

Happy Earth Day everyone! My daughter told me that rethink can also be added to the planet saving technique. Granted, it's kind of implied already, but it doesn't hurt to spell it out. Everything you do can be rethought and adjusted to be better for our planet and our future. Now, I've spent the last few weeks trying to think of ways that eating ice cream could be better for the planet:

REDUCE: try not to get a plastic lid if you get a sundae or a blizzard

REUSE: use real dishes and spoons when you can

RECYCLE: always recycle your topping jars and containers

REDUCE: Use less napkins and paper towels to clean up ice cream messes (and faces)

REUSE: Buy one of those cheap freezer bags to haul cold stuff home (I'm on bag #2 myself)

RECYCLE: try to buy stuff packaged in recycled materials

Just remember that every little bit counts. I think work might be toughest because it's so easy just to throw something in the trash rather than rinsing it and bringing it home, but every bit matters! Plus, you can feel good about it too!
It doesn't happen often, but when the time comes, be sure to recycle the PC you use to read this blog. I tell everyone to go to Staples, it's just TEN BUCKS to recycle each piece of equipment, and sometimes they run specials: Printers might be free to recycle or you might get money towards a new printer. I've also gone in a few times and had all my Dell equipment recycled for free. Just call ahead for specifics.

I did have one more thought today:
Show your Earth Day support by only eating all natural ice cream today!

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